Welcome To Japan: 日本へようこそ

10,000 Gates

Fushimi Inari Shrine:伏見稲荷大社

Fushimi Inari Shrine (Also known as the 10,000 gates) is an important Shinto shrine in southern Kyoto. It is famous for its thousands of vermilion torii gates marking the entrance to a shrine, which straddle a network of trails behind its main buildings. The trails lead into the wooded forest of the sacred Mount Inari.

68 Yabunouchi-chō, Fukakusa Fushimi-ku

 admission free


 This trip would be best for people who enjoy long scenic walks, a spiritual atmosphere and discovery and not so fitted for people who aren't able to use stairs or get claustrophobic.Visitors should allow themselves a 1-2 hours to completely enjoy the beautiful shrine

Constructed attraction

Hiroshima Bomb Dome

Genbaku dome: ·ドーム·デ·原爆

The Bomb Dome, also known as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, is what remains of the former Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall. The building served as a location to promote Hiroshima's industries. When the bomb exploded, it was one of the few buildings to remain standing, and remains so today. A World Heritage Site, the A-Bomb Dome is a tangible link to Hiroshima's unique past.

 1-10 Otemachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan ‎
Opening hours:
Always open

 This trip would be best suited for people who enjoy scenic world heritage sites and can handle abit of a heavy hearted atmosphere. It would be best experienced on a sunny or overcast day as there isn't much shelter

Constructed attraction

Jigokudani Yaen-koen

Honshu Island
The world of the snow monkey: スノーモンキーの世界

The is more than 3,000 natural hot springs scattered around the country. The world of the snow monkey or Jigokudani Yaen-koen is one of the most popular hot springs and reserves to visit due to its protected population of the Japanese macaque. The macaque is familiar in Japan due to its common apperance in folk tails and nursery rhymes.

6845 Yamanouchi, Shimotakai-District, Nagano Prefecture, Japan Zip code (381-0401)


250Yen/3.24NZD to 500Yen/6.49NZD

Opening Hours:

Summer season (April - October) 8:30-17:00
Winter season (November - March) 9:00-16:00

This visit would be good for those who are okay with doing a bit of a trek and have a calm persona, being cautious around the monkey and keeping your distance is essential for an enjoyable visit. A visit in the winter is advised as the snow creates a almost surreal atmosphere combined with the steam on the hot springs. It will make you feel one with nature and enthralled.

Natural Attraction

Chuo Dori Street Tour
Akihabara, Tokyo
A tour of the famous geek capital of the word: 世界の有名オタク資本のツアー


Akihabara is known of the geek and fanboy capital of the world due to its overflow of fanboy culture and the fact that no other place in the world has such a condensed amount of comic stores, gaming arcades, video game stores, maid cafes and much more. in one street like Akihabara. This is one of the biggest parts of the attraction.

Days and Times: Operated daily from Oct.8th to Oct.15th at 12:45pm
 Address/meeting place:
Takarada Musen Duty Free
approximately 1.5-2 hours
Tour price
Free of Charge 
 It's certainly a trip for people who are genuinely interested in Japanese cartoons and such. It is a pure experience of modern and pop culture. Akihabira outlines many western viewpoints of Japan and it's modern Tokyo


Tokyo Disney Resort

You can have fun, stay, dine, shop and much more at Tokyo Disney Resort. You'll find two theme parks, unique dining, a variety of shops and accommodations including the Disney Hotels. Stay at Tokyo Disney Resort, and experience a multitude of fun and excitement in this place where dreams come true.

1-1 Maihama, Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture, Japan ‎

1-day ticket adult:  ¥5800/$70.00NZD

1-day ticket: child ¥3900/$47.00NZD

Opening hours:
8.00am-10.00pm most days.


Hanami Matsuri
Cherry Blossom viewing: お花見

Hanami (花見), literally translated as Flower Viewing is a part of the year in Japan when the cherry blossoms start blooming on the trees during spring. It is a common tradition in Japan to have a picnic with family under cherry blossom trees as it has been done for along time. If you ever visit Japan, make sure to go to Ueno Park during Hanami to experience thousands of people coming to picnic and have fun.

Time of the year:
March- Mid April

Take with you:
A bento or packed lunch, picnic blankets, laterns or candles, a festive attitude

 Places for cherry blossom viewing:


Aso Dai himonjiyaki
Aso Fire Festival: 阿蘇火祭り

During the festival, there are traditional arts performances, a market for local products, the Dai Himonjiyaki display, and a fireworks display. The Dai Himonjiyaki involves a gigantic Chinese character signifying ’fire’ on the mountain slope, which is especially soul-stirring.

 Second Saturday of March anually

3083-1 Ichinomiyamachi Miyaji, Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan

Event Schedule:
2:00pm-8:00pm: Aso farmer’s market
3:00pm: Japanese folk entertainment
6:00pm: A word from the presenter of this event
6:30pm: Igniting the kanji letter ”火” (fire) on Mt. Ojyo
Asonohi Festival Special performance by ”TAO”
7:20pm: Fireworks



  1. Hi Amy. Your blog looks great!

    What a fantastic and intersting first post! I love your addition of maps and the easy to follow layout.

    Just a couple of comments:
    - Could you please write what it is- ie: constructed attraction (this will make it a lot easier to mark)!
    - please provide a personal comment on why you want to go there :)


    1. What if I place a personal comment on my intro to Japan? I plan to do a facts section, a summary and my own comment. That way I can keep the format I have and add a few things about Japan at the same time, seeing as I have already advised who the trip would be best suited for and put individual information on each attraction, activity/event ect...
