Welcome To Jordan: مرحبا بكم في الأردن

The Dead Sea

البحر الميت

Without a doubt the world’s most amazing place, the Jordan Rift Valley is a dramatic, beautiful landscape, which at the Dead Sea, is over 400m below sea level. The lowest point on the face of the earth, these waters are trapped and are forced to evaporate, leaving behind a dense, rich, cocktail of salts and minerals that supply industry, agriculture and medicine with some of its finest products.
The Dead Sea is flanked by mountains to the east and the rolling hills of Jerusalem to the west, giving it an almost other-worldly beauty.  
Time to go:
Daylight hours advised, during Spring (March-May) or Autumn (September-November)
No cost unless you wish to purchase food and beverages or accomodation. Keep money aside for transport
What to bring:
Swimwear, food & drink, a towel, moisteriser (For after being in the salty water), sunscreen

East of Jerusalem in the Jordan Rift Valley

The leading attraction at the Dead Sea is the warm, soothing, super salty water itself – some ten times saltier than sea water, and rich in chloride salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, bromine and several others. The unusually warm, incredibly buoyant and mineral-rich waters have attracted visitors since ancient times, including King Herod the Great and the beautiful Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra. All of whom have luxuriated in the Dead Sea’s rich, black, stimulating mud and floated effortlessly on their backs while soaking up the water's healthy minerals along with the gently diffused rays of the Jordanian sun.

Natural attraction


"A rose red city half as old as time"
The giant red mountains and vast mausoleums of a departed race have nothing in common with modern civilization, and ask nothing of it except to be appreciated at their true value - as one of the greatest wonders ever wrought by Nature and Man.
Although much has been written about Petra, nothing really prepares you for this amazing place. It has to be seen to be believed.

To keep in mind:
Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and a hat to protect you from the sun, and always carry plenty of drinking water.

Times to visit:
The best time to see Petra, especially if you’re planning to take photographs, is either early to mid-morning or late afternoon, when the angled sun highlights and enhances the amazing natural colours of the rocks. Open daylight only

Entry free

Constructed Attraction
Karak Castle
Whether you approach Karak from the ancient Kings Highway to the east or from the Dead Sea to the west, the striking silhouette of this fortified town and castle will instantly make you understand why the fates of kings and nations were decided here for millennia.
An ancient Crusader stronghold, Karak sits 900m above sea level and lies inside the walls of the old city. The city today is home to around 170,000 people and continues to boast a number of restored 19th century Ottoman buildings, restaurants, places to stay, and the like. But it is undoubtedly Karak Castle that dominates
Opening Hours & Dates:
8am-4pm Oct-Mar
8am-7pm Apr-Sep

Admission 1 Jordanian Dinar/ $1.80 NZD
Karak castle, Al Qala'a St

Kir Heres Restaurant

A cut above the rest, this award-winning restaurant is a surprise find in Karak. The chef (and owner), Saddam, is from Karak and he has a passion for food, reflected in the inventive menu. There are ostrich steaks and chicken dishes prepared with local herbs. Vegetarians can choose from dishes including fried haloumi, and mushrooms with garlic and thyme. The owner laments that people take fright at the smart tablecloths, serviettes and tasteful interior of draped kilims and imagine the prices will be prohibitive. The secret is out, however, among the discerning palates of Karak, and a reservation is necessary at weekends. This is also the only restaurant in town selling alcohol. Try the locally produced sweet white wine in the upper gallery at lunchtime and you can forget about visiting the castle afterwards!

Opening hours:

Mains= Jordanian Dinar 5.00-7.00/ $8.70-$12.20 NZD

Al-Qala’a St, Karak, Jordan



A local company Sindbad operates a number of popular cruises around the Gulf of Aqaba.  The cruises operate on a daily basis and depart from the end of the pier. It gives you the chance to view all the sights of aqaba and relax at the same time.

Prices range from JD15 per person to JD29

Be there 30 mminite prior to departure, there is a 1pm barbeque trip and a 6pm sunset cruise

book 30 mins before the cruise or at most hotels in aqaba


Petra By Night

To visit Petra during daylight is awe-inspiring; to experience it at night by the light of 1,800 candles is truly out-of-this-world! Walk through the Siq to the Khazneh following a candle-lit path and enjoy the haunting music of the Bedouins at the Treasury. Allow yourself plenty of time to walk through the Siq - you don't want to miss the show! 
Tours start at 8.30pm and finish at 10.00pm 
Every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 

Tickets can be purchased from the Petra Site Office at the entrance to the site


Souk Jara

SOUK JARA is a place where you, your family and friends can enjoy the splendour of Jabal Amman while walking in one of its oldest streets, searching for unique merchandise that you cannot find in regular shops, listening to great music, and enjoying a cup of coffee.
While you walk through SOUK JARA you will pass by the retailers sitting behind their booths selling distinctive items which some are kept from the past. Souvenirs, handicrafts, antiques, paintings and handmade accessories will be available. Booths will be the ornaments decorating the old neighbourhood creating an amusing shopping experience after which you can stop by the SOUK JARA Café. 

Rainbow ST. First Circle, Amman, Jordan

Days & Time of year:
Fridays throughout July and August (Summer)

Opening Hours:



  1. اسمي جوان باتريك ، أود أن أشكر الله تعالى على إرسال الشركة المالية للسيدة أوليفيا فريد ومقرها في الهند إليّ. قرأت على موقع Google عن كيفية مساعدة الأشخاص الذين لديهم قروض. كنت ضحية عملية احتيال حتى خفت بشدة ، وعندما اتصلت بها بدت لطيفة للغاية وأحببتها. تقدمت بطلب للحصول على قرض لتوسيع عملي وشرحت لها كيف تم خداعي. أعطتني كلمتها وأنا أثق بها. أكملت كل عملية ، وبالأمس فقط تلقيت قرضًا بقيمة 100،000 دولار.
    شكرا جزيلا لك السيدة أوليفيا فريد. آمل أن تتمكن أيضًا من مساعدة الناس في بلدي ، وكذلك في جميع أنحاء العالم.

    للحصول على أي مساعدة مالية ، أوصي بالاتصال بها عبر البريد الإلكتروني: (oliviafred704@gmail.com)
    تطبيق الواتس: 916398825438+

    لا تفوت هذه الفرصة حسنا.

  2. انا طاهر سعد من المملكة العربية السعودية. لقد تمكنت من الحصول على قرض من هذه الشركة المملوكة لمؤسسات الائتمان الائتمانية بعد أن قرأت بعض المعلومات الحيوية حول برامج القروض الخاصة بهم على الإنترنت ثم قررت الاتصال بهم وحصلت على تمويل بمبلغ 50000 ريال دون إضاعة الكثير من الوقت. هل تم رفضك للحصول على قرض من مصرفك أو أي مؤسسة أخرى ، فأنا أنصحك بالاتصال بمؤسسات الائتمان المقرضة [loancreditinstitutions00@gmail.com] إذا كنت بحاجة إلى أي نوع من القروض مثل: القروض الشخصية أو القروض التجارية أو واتس اب: +393512114999

  3. مرحباً بالجميع ، أنا محمد الأحمد ، من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ، دبي. أود أن أشكر مؤسسات ائتمان القروض لمساعدتي في الحصول على قروضي البالغة 80،000.00 درهم بعد أن تعرضت للخداع لفترة طويلة إذا كنت مهتمًا بقرض ، يرجى الاتصال بهم حتى يتمكنوا أيضًا من مساعدتك أيضًا للحصول على قرضه الذي لا يستغرقه وقت طويل في غضون 6 أيام كان قرضي في حسابي ، يجب على أي شخص يحتاج إلى قرض عاجل وموثوق الاتصال بهم الآن ، فهم مرسلون من الله وشركة جيدة البريد الإلكتروني: loancreditinstitutions00@gmail.com يسعدني كتابة هذا هنا لأن هناك العديد من عمليات الاحتيال هناك إذا كنت حقًا بحاجة إلى المساعدة دون خداع ، فهذه هي شركة القرض الصحيحة للاتصال بـ whatsapp: +393512114999
